Showing posts with label sizzling bone marrow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sizzling bone marrow. Show all posts

Easy Sizzling Beef Bone Marrow (Bulalo) Recipe

This is an easy-to-make beef bone marrow sizzling platter dish. All it takes is a few ingredients and a few cooking techniques. This dish is very flavorful, it contains a high level of fats and calories but contains other vitamins and minerals to.that is good for you.


Beef bone marrow
Beef broth cube or beef broth
Red Onions
Whole peppercorn
1/2 teaspoon sugar

Cook the bone marrow in beef broth with the onions and peppercorns and 1/2 teaspoon of sugar.

Fry the beef coated in your favorite ready-made batter mix. Turn your extra batter mix into gravy by melting butter and then mixing the dry batter mix and pouring in the beef broth. 

Prepare your sizzling plate then put in the deep-fried beef, the bone marrow then the gravy and serve.

You can also preserve the bone after eating as it will be perfect for use in making Korean beef bone broth soup.